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${ error }
${ product.name }
No Image
ASIN: ${ product.asin }
Package Dimensions: ${ printDimensions(product.dimensions, 'n/a') } (${ product.sizeTier })
Unit Weight: ${ formatWeight(product.weight, 'n/a') }
Category: ${ product.categoryName }
Brand: N/A
${ product.brandName } ${ product.supplierCountString }
Reviews: ${ formatNumber(product.reviews) } reviews
View on Amazon
# of Sellers: ${ product.nOfSellers }
# of FBA Sellers: ${ product.nOfFbaSellers }
Price History
Price History
Sales Rank
Estimated Sales
Current ↓
${ formatCurrency(product.lowestPrice) }
${ formatCurrency(product.lowestPrice) }
${ formatNumber(product.bsr) }
${ formatNumber(product.sales, 0, 'n/a') }
Est. Sales
${ formatNumber(product.sales / calc.nOfSellers, 0, 'n/a') }
Est. Sales per Seller
30-Day Avg. ↓
30-Day Avg.
${ formatCurrency(product.lowestPrice30) }
${ formatCurrency(product.lowestPrice30) }
${ formatNumber(product.bsr30) }
${ formatNumber(product.sales30, 0, 'n/a') }
Est. Sales
${ formatNumber(product.sales30 / calc.nOfSellers, 0, 'n/a') }
Est. Sales per Seller
Bought in past month
> ${ formatNumber(product.boughtInPastMonth, 0, '?') }
Bought in Past M.
${ formatNumber(product.boughtInPastMonth / calc.nOfSellers, 0, '?') }
Est. Sales per Seller
Loading Charts...

About ProfitGuru Sales Calculator

The Sales Estimator lets you check a product’s monthly sales volume using its ASIN. In addition to the sales estimate, you’ll see the number of sellers so you know the level of competition you’re facing.

You can also check the product’s historical price and sales volume starting from the time it was added to our database. This way, you’ll have a better idea if its likely to perform well in the future.

That's a handy way to find if a product opportunity is worth pursuing before placing an order with your supplier.

Try it out and see how it works - just paste a product ASIN and hit the “Search” button.

Disclaimer: This ProfitGuru Calculator should be used as a guide in evaluating FBA only. ProfitGuru does not warrant the accuracy of the information or calculations in this FBA Calculator.